Self-care in Budějovice: Don’t even mention it!

Text: Tom CzabanFoto: Jan Flaška According to white bear theory, the more you try to suppress a thought the more prominent it becomes. Tell someone not to think of a white bear and they’ll spend the next five minutes thinking about the damn thing. I have a similar relationship with self-care: the more I engage in ‘relaxing’ activities the less relaxed I feel.  It’s been like this ever since I can remember. My Dad took me to my first sauna […]

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She said what?! Why we should mind our language

Text: Tom CzabanPhoto: Jan Flaška In his book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari suggests that language led to humans rising to the top of the animal kingdom. Other species can also communicate, but our uniqueness lies in the ability to talk about things that don’t exist. We can plan for the future and organize ourselves, create myths to provide unity, and ultimately cooperate.  While the positive impact of language is clear, the confusion it causes can be dangerous. To understand each […]

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Life on the Hamster Wheel

Over the past few years, morning routines have received a lot of coverage. Entire books have been written about how to ‘win the morning and win the day’. YouTubers have walked us through the productive habits they implement between opening their eyes and leaving the house. In the past I have jumped on this bandwagon, even to the point of waking up at 5am. That routine was called ‘miracle morning,’ the sequence of activities included: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, […]

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What Fuels Our Desire to Travel?

Over the past year I’ve heard many people say something along the lines of: “I am so sick of walking the same streets, seeing the same views and the same places every day. I just need to get away. Anywhere!” Surprisingly I felt the same way. I say surprisingly because before Covid I thought I was done with travel. As someone who spent the majority of his twenties on the road, I’d come to view that period with a touch […]

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